Media Foundation for West Africa and its Partners have launched a Comprehensive
Strategic Framework for a long-term Media Sector Reform and Development in The
Gambia. This followed a validation of the Framework by stakeholders at a forum
held in Banjul.
forum which, had the President of The Gambia, H.E. Adama Barrow, as the Special
Guest brought together local and international stakeholders including the
ECOWAS, the UN Office for West Africa, UNESCO, the Diplomatic Community,
journalists, editors, civil society groups, other media development
Media Reform Strategic Framework is the result of a joint and collaborative
process involving the government of The Gambia represented by the Ministry of
Information and Communication Infrastructure (MoICI) and Gambia Press Union
(GPU); the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), International Media Support
(IMS) and Gambia Media Support (GAMES).
an initial step in the process, a 12-member group of local and international
media experts that included media managers, editors, regulators, academics,
lawyers and policymakers was constituted. Through a series of workshops and
consultations, the expert group came up with the Comprehensive Strategic
purpose of the Framework is to guide the entire media sector reform process in
the Gambia and also ensure that the urgent development of the media sector is
comprehensive, sustainable and with a long-term perspective. The key focus
areas of the Framework are:
• Media Law and Policy Reforms
• Media Capacity Development
• National Communication Policy
• Media Professional Standards
• Transformation of State-owned
Broadcaster into a Public service Broadcaster
• Institutional development for
journalism institutions
• Media infrastructure development
Framework is also expected to guide interventions by actors and partners who
seek to contribute to the strengthening of the media sector at various levels
and in various ways.
the launch, the MFWA and its Partners will continue to engage and ensure the
implementation of the Framework to promote freedom of expression and media
development in The Gambia.