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The Christian Panorama felicitates Arch-Bishop Tilewa

Nov 28, 2012, 9:32 AM | Article By: FR. EDU GOMEZ - Parish of the Resurrection, Brikama

The recent event of enthronement of Bishop Solomon Tilewa Johnson as Arch-Bishop marks a milestone in the history of Christianity in The Gambia.For the very first time ever the event took place in the Anglican Cathedral and for the very first time also a Gambian Cleric has been raised to the ranks of an Arch-Bishop and Primate of the Church of Province of West Africa.

For many people who do not know the history of Christianity in The Gambia, Christianity emerged in this country as early as 1445.At this time European explorers and missionaries came to the shores of the Senegambian region.Since then the growth of Christianity has been affected by many factors as time go by.Thank God the church is here and has reached thus far.

Even though many consider The Gambia a small country but having “a son of the soil” as Arch-Bishop is good sign for the name of the country and the Church as a whole.Such event also enables the name of the country and the Church to have a major presence in “eyes” of the world.

From the desk of the Christian Panorama therefore, we thank God, Almighty for his never ending great works.The Gambia will continue to marvel at the great works of God in our small country.The late Pope John Paul II during his visit in 1992, hailed The Gambia as a land of peace and great faith in the almighty God and prayed, “Na Yalla barkel Gambia bi”.Such blessing has kept this country in prosperity.

In the text of the holy scripture, Romans 12:15-16 this is what is stated, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.Live in harmony with one another”.This text is a good injunction for all Christians and admirers of Christianity for true harmonious living.

It is therefore with such a spirit that Arch-Bishop Tilewa and the whole Anglican community is congratulated.Also Arch-Bishop Tilewa, being a Gambian cleric, it is the joy of the whole nation that he is congratulated.The joy of his and his community is the joy of everyone living in this blessed country.We pray for God’s sustenance for him and his family in all that they do.May he be the true ambassador of Jesus Christ and that of The Gambia and the West African sub-region.

The scripture of God is always the consolation of Christian believers.We therefore refer to the scripture of 1 Timothy 3:2-7 for his guidance as Paul the great preacher of the New Testament time’s stated:

“Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome not a lover of money.He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect”.

The lines of the scripture addressed the leadership in the generation and time of Paul and Timothy in the New Testament.As the new Arch-Bishop take on his mantle, it is our wish and prayer that such words of scripture reach the meditations of his heart.

We pray Ad Multos Annos Arch-Bishop Tilewa Johnson!!!

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