Mr Njie was deputised by Abdoulie Sallah, chief operating officer of Unique Solutions, at the opening of two-day training on social media campaign at the International President Award Scheme in Bakau New Town organised by the Gambia Gold Award Holders Association (GAHA).
He said his office is focusing on technology in the country together with the partners in development. “As we all know the use of social media is very crucial and there is need to sensitize the people on the use of social media and this is exactly what GAHA is doing,” he said.
“The general public needs to know the use of social media as it is not a platform where everybody goes and does what they feel like doing.
“Unique Solutions is a major ISP business in the country, which is why we have contributed our quota to GAHA in preparing to organize this very important gathering.”
He added: “We are proud to say no to Ebola in The Gambia and through the social media we can be able to pass the right information to the people with less cost.”
He said a good number of people have made the mistake of putting bad pictures on social media thinking that no one could see or trace them.
“This is why this training is very relevant, to sensitize members of the association on the use of social media,” he added.
The event could not be held at a better time than now, he said, adding that their doors are always open to address issues related to technology.
Speaking on behalf the CEO ofPresident International Awards Scheme, Lamin Saidykhan said the institution is very delighted about GAHA for “this wonderful imitative”.
GAHA association is group of young people that have come together to complement the efforts of the PIA Scheme - the Gambia.
GAHA brings all gold award holders together to build the capacity of young people for a better future, self-reliance and self-actualization through the PIA programme.