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OJ Jallow Breaks Silence

Sep 11, 2008, 6:25 AM | Article By: By Alieu Jabang

Says He is Still in Active Politics

Following widespread reports that Mr. Omar Jallow, leader of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) cum a senior member of the opposition National Alliance for Democracy and Development (NADD), has quit active politics, OJ as he is fondly called, has told The Point in an interview yesterday that he is still in active politics.

According to OJ Jallow, the rumour going around town that he has resigned from active politics is nothing but 'false'. "There is no justification in saying that I have resigned from active politics. I have been involved in politics since 1968 and I don't see any reason why I should resign from politics, he stated.

"How can I resign from politics when I know that thousands of people out there are still expecting a lot from me in politics," he queried.

For OJ, he still owes Gambians a lot and unless and until he salvages them, death will be the only time of his resignation.

"I am still in politics because I am the representative of NADD to the inter party committee meeting with the IEC.

OJ, who has been one of the oldest politicians in today's Gambia, has in the recent past been in respite thus resulting in rumours that he has called it off in politics.

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