of Nianija District in Central River Region (CRR) has convicted and sentenced
three men after they were found guilty by a district tribunal on charge of
unlawful felling of trees.
Dawda York sentenced Demba Cham of Chamen Nianija to pay a fine of 8000 dalasis
for felling a big tree and selling it without a permit. He ruled that Mr. Cham
will serve three months imprisonment in default to pay the fine.
also convicted and sentenced Abdoulie Jallow of Upper Niumi to pay a fine of
10, 000 dalasis in default to serve three months imprisonment for using a heavy
machine to cut trees in Nianija without a permit. The tribunal also sized and
handed over the machine to the Department of Forestry.
third convict Gibi Lareh Cham, who is the alkalo of Chamen Nianija is also
convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of D4000 for failure to stop his villager
from cutting trees and failure to report such things to concern authorities.
The tribunal ruled that if Mr. Cham fails to pay the fine, he will serve three
months imprisonment and was warned to change attitude towards environment.
Dawda York has been one of the most uncompromising chiefs when it comes to
unlawful cutting down of trees. He has been emphasising the danger of felling
trees and the importance of preserving the forest.
handing down his judgement, Mr. York renewed his uncompromising stance in
applying the wrath of the law on anyone found guilty of unlawful exploitation
of the forest cover.
warned alkalolu to distance themselves from the illegal act and advised them to
protect the forest so that the next generation will not suffer.
regional forestry officer of CRR north, Lamin Saidy Bah and the forestry
officer at Bakadaji, Kemo Kinteh both thanked the chief for helping the
government in the protection of the forest cover. They also advised the people
to distance themselves from illegally exploiting the forest or else forestry
laws will be used against them.