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Nedi Disburses goods, Funds and Certifies 40 Vendors

Mar 3, 2009, 4:32 AM | Article By: Sainey M.K. Marenah

National Enterprise Development initiative (NEDI), in collaboration with Bank PHB, on Wednesday staged it's second certificate presentation and disbursement of goods and funds to 40 vendors across The Gambia at a ceremony held at the Presidents International Award Hall in Bakau.

The NEDI programme is aimed at helping Gambian youths and women gain skills and venture into formal sector of the Gambian economy.

Speaking at the colourful ceremony SOS Youth and Sports, Hon. Sheriff ML Gomez, said that NEDI was conceptualised by the president out of a burning desire to stem the tide of increased unemployment among the youths and women.

The Secretary of State pointed out that prevalent unemployment negatively impacts and undermines the moral of young people and hence the need for urgent and pragmatic national intervention such as NEDI to ensure that youths and women are adequately prepared to contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic advancement of our societies.

According to SOS Gomez, government, spearheaded by the office of the vice president in partnership with his ministry, implement NEDI as a strategic tool to encourage young men and women to enter into retail business as a window of opportunity to take full charge of the informal sector which has hitherto been dominated by non-Gambians.

He further revealed that second group of 40 vendors came as a result of a MOU between NEDI and Bank PHB.

For his part, Mr Chuck Melville Chibundu, managing director Bank PHB, revealed that is delighted to be in partnership with NADI, adding that his Bank is here to support the average Gambian.

Mr Chibundu noted that Bank PHB is very particular about youths and women to empower them with the skills to contribute their own quota, pointing that youths are the pivot of any society.

He said Bank PHB is here to add value and committed and returning banking in The Gambia.

He finally urged the beneficiaries to put the money to good use.

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