Speaking at the ceremony, Harriet Mendy, the headmistress, said this year’s graduation coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the school.
She said the 18th graduation of nursery 3 pupils will leave “an indelible imprint” in the 25-year history of the school.
Mrs Mendy commended the outgoing pupils saying by dint of hard work they (the pupils) have improved in reading, writing, spelling and speaking English language by the end of their nursery 3 career.
According to the school statistics, there are 549 children enrolled at the school of which 301 are girls and 248 boys.
The guest speaker of the occasion, Bakary Njie of the Gambia College, said the day was a momentous occasion in the lives of the children.
It was also a day to recognise the outstanding work of the staff of the school.
He said the knowledge acquired by pupils at the school will help them as they progress with their education.