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Let’s give back to our country!

Jan 23, 2020, 12:37 PM

Different philanthropists have different views about what makes society better off. And there is nothing more rewarding than giving back to your country as the one stands to benefit is immeasurable.

It’s been reported in our today’s edition about a modest of cartons of disposable gloves and aprons by Action Gambia, a Norway-based NGO to Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH). The move is indeed laudable and important. We all know the importance of disposable gloves and aprons, which is to create a barrier between germs and your hands. Wearing disposable gloves in the hospital helps prevent the spread of germs.

Health is central in any country’s development. And ensuring quality healthcare remains a key concern to many governments around the word. With limited resources at hand couple with other challenges sometimes hinders access to quality and affordable healthcare a far-fetch dream for many developing countries, The Gambia included.

Governments even in the West we all know cannot do it all. Ensuring quality health, therefore calls for multi-faceted approach and combination of efforts. This makes the role of private sector and individual donors central in this regard.

Healthcare workers who wear gloves while treating patients are much less likely to clean their hands before and after patient contact, according to a study.

On the other hand, aprons are also included as part of healthcare workers personal protective measures.

We therefore commend the Norway-based NGO for its foresight and generosity. We also call on other Gambians in the Diaspora to be part and parcel of the development process.  

To be part of the development process doesn’t mean they have to spend millions of dalasis, but any little token; whether in kind or cash and that goes towards making a difference in the lives of others is part of contributing to national development. 

Remember that Albert Schweitzer once famously stated that: “The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.”

‘‘When you’re in a position to have gotten so much, the gift at this point is giving back.’’

Paul Stanley

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