of youths on Saturday converged in the coastal town of Gunjur to restore and
revive the environment by planting more than 10,000 tree seedlings.
initiative embraced by the whole community of Gunjur and beyond, was
spearheaded by the Gunjur Environmental Concern Group (ECGG), a community-based
environmental organisation.
to the coordinator of the organisation, Lamin Jammeh, alias Mbakau, the tree
planting exercise has been driven by the level of environmental damages as a
result of sand mining and other activities that undermine sustainable
agricultural practice in the coastal settlement.
The tree planting exercise in Gunjur has been
hailed as a step in the right direction towards achieving the United Nation
(UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SGD’s) 13 and 15.
exercise has also seen an unprecedented number of donations from the diaspora
residents of Gunjur and friends of The Gambia and the environment, who each
bought and named trees after their families, loved ones and celebrated heroes.
Gunjur Development Forum (GDF), Gunjur Project, local business and private
individuals spearheaded a massive fund raising drive to raise in excess of
D35,000 for the purchase of plants.
addition to the huge sums raised for this exercise, the Geology Department of
The Gambia also contributed eight thousand plants (8,000) towards the tree
planting exercise.
about the tree planting exercise in Gunjur, Jenny Ringstead of The Gunjur
Project said: “Today is a remarkable example of a community coming together to
make a change for the better of everyone’s future. The community has been in
despair at the destruction of different areas from the sand mining, to the
Bolong lagoon, and to our ocean waters”.
commended the community for addressing their agonies through a positive
approach rather than a civil disorder, she added.
May this year, the community came together for World Ocean Day, raised funds,
and cleaned up the beach. Today is another example of challenging areas of
concern with positive actions,” she stated.
tree planting exercise has seen some 10K trees planted, and see areas being
given the support to rejuvenate and to become the once beautiful Gunjur that is
in all our hearts. What an example we are showing to the younger generation,
those that we will rely on to make positive changes for all our futures. From
small trees grow big forests.”
Project were able to successfully raise funds for this tree planting exercise
as many of the groups and volunteers that visit the project always leave with a
bit of Gunjur in their hearts and they will support wherever possible.
Sey, one of the brains behind the Gunjur Development Forum (GDF), hailed the
historic tree planting event in Gunjur to restore the depleted forest and
replace some needed native trees in Gunjur.
added: “I am extremely proud of the citizens and friends of Gunjur who came
together to make this tree planting exercise successful. We asked for funds
from Gunjurians in the Diaspora and they answered our calls and donated
selflessly. Then, those in Gunjur too planted the trees and made our
environment come to life. I am sitting here watching videos and seeing pictures
and can feel the enthusiasm all the way from America.”
further on the success of the tree planting exercise, Omar A J Saho, an
Environmental Activist said: “Special thanks and appreciation goes to all those
who have contributed their talent and time, in making this tree planting a
successful event. I humbly thank all the institutions, clubs, Kafoos, youth
groups, organizations and individuals who have contributed or participated in
the exercise towards the ecological restoration of the southern coastline.”
historic tree planting exercise was attended by the Alkalo of Gunjur, Alhagie
Giki Darboe as well as other distinguished personalities including Dr Amadou
Scattred Janneh, Omar Manjang, Lawyer Lamin J Darbo, Lawyer Ebrima Jaiteh and
Momodou Charreh Jibba.
groups such as The Kulcochi Youth Development Association, Falcons Football
Club and the AlangKoka singing group, all attended the event and contributed to
the resounding success of the 10K Tree Planting Exercise.