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Gunjur Imam Calls On Muslims To Keep the Ramadan Spirit

Sep 29, 2009, 6:03 AM | Article By: Alieu Jabang

Alhagie Abubacarr Dembo Touray, the second deputy Imam of Gunjur has called on Muslims to always maintain the spirit of the Ramadan.

Delivering his sermon last Friday at Gunjur Central Mosque, Deputy Imam Touray, said though Ramadan is gone, the Islamic religion is still here and will continue to exist.

"Ramadan is gone but Islam is still here and remains the same and it will continue till the end of the world. We must learn from the good morals Ramadan inculcate into our minds and our activities", he said, calling on those who were helping the poor during the month of Ramadan to continue doing the same.

"Those who have reduced the prices of their commodities in the month of Ramadan should continue doing so. Those who have stopped stealing because it was in the month of Ramadan should still continue to stop," he said.

He also called on those who have stopped committing adultery and fornication because of the respect for the Holy month of Ramadan, to stop it once and for all. As he put it, the same Allah and Islam exist and will never go away.

Imam Touray also called on Muslims to forgive each other of their wrongs.

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