It brought together 40 participants to look into issues such as employment, recruitment and training, career development, role and responsibilities, teaching and learning conditions, protection and participation, enhancing group effectiveness, accountability among others.
The permanent secretary at the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, Baboucarr Boye, said the ministry and the GTU have one common interest which is the teachers and by extension students.
He said the relationship between the two institutions is cordial.
Baboucarr O. Joof, general manager of the Gambia Teachers’ Union Cooperative Credit Union, urged the ministry to continue looking into the performance of teachers.
“No matter what infrastructure we put in place, at the end of the day if the output of teachers is not in line with the blueprint, vision and mission of the country, then we will have to always come back to the drawing board,” he noted.
He added that as a union, the GTU should work on improving the socio-economic status of teachers to ensure that they are well prepared to go into the classroom to teach.
Emmanuel Fatoma, senior coordinator at Africa Education International, pointed out that teachers are critical component in education.
He said there is the need for MoBSE and GTU to continue to work closely together for the attainment of better and quality education in The Gambia.
Antoinette Jack-Corr, General Secretary of GTU, said the union has a cordial relationship with MoBSE.