Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in collaboration with the
International Labour Organisation (ILO), will tomorrow kick-start a two-day
training of trainers workshop on the ‘Employers’ Guide on the Labour Laws of
The Gambia’.
training, which will be held at the GCCI Secretariat/conference room tomorrow
and Thursday, will be the first of two sets or batches of participants to be
trained on the country’s labour laws in order for them to train others.
batch will involve between 20 and 25 participants, drawn from the GCCI Business
Development and Corporate Service personnel, GCCI Employers’ Committee,
presidents of trade unions, and presidents/secretaries general of business
training course for the second batch will be held on 21 and 22 September 2016.
want to ensure the implementation of the Labour Laws Guide Book, as well as to
equip employers with the various Acts in the law,” GCCI’s Director of Corporate
Services Beatrice Mboge said.
training workshop will center on the following, as detailed in the guide book:
Labour Act 2007, Women’s Act 2010, Social Security Act 2010, Injuries
Compensation Fund Act 1990, The Ombudsman Act 1997, Children’s Act 2005, Public
Service Act 1991, Roles of Dispute Resolution Stakeholder institutions,
Alternatives, procedures, and mechanisms for mediation and arbitration, and the
collective roles dispute resolution stakeholder institutions can play in
helping settle commercial disputes.
training activity, according to the organisers, is expected to prepare trainers
towards sensitization and advocacy on labour/ Industrial relations within the
private sector, better equip trainers on the various Acts and how they should
be in congruence with workplace policy, help manage employer/ employee
relations, enlighten employers’ on industrial dispute resolution structures,
mechanism and procedures, and encourage implementation of workplace rules/
would be recalled that the Gambia Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture
and Employers’ Association with the support of ILO and services of Emanic
Consulting developed a GCCI Employers’ Guide on the Labour Laws of The Gambia,
which was launched in May 2016 at the GCCI Secretariat.
Guide summarises the various Acts (mentioned above) that encompass employment
laws of The Gambia applicable to businesses, the public sector and all
employees, stated GCCI.
Guide was successfully launched on May 4th 2016 with a large turnout of
employers, partners and executives,” Mrs Mboge said, adding that the GCCI was
pleased to host ILO directors and staff from Dakar at the launching.
to ensure rapid an effective use and implementation of the contents of the
Guide book and the above mentioned Acts, the GCCI proposes to conduct a
Training of Trainers on the contents of the Employers’ Guide Book on the Labour
Laws of The Gambia.”
completion of the training course, trainers are expected to train/pass on
lessons learnt to private sector institutions in The Gambia.
will also ensure that employers identify their roles, responsibilities, as well
as rights in the workplace which will in turn avoid disputes or employee
grievances,” she said, adding: “The training is planned to be an interactive
session between the trainers and resource persons to ensure contents are well
understood and digested. It will also serve as a platform for sharing of
workplace experiences between representatives from various institutions and
Gambia Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Employers’ Association is
the recognised Employers’ Organisation of The Gambia by virtue of its diverse
membership, she further stated.
is continually striving to provide to its members a full range of services
pertaining to industrial and labour matters.”
statement by GCCI also said that as a not-for-profit organization, GCCI is
performing its roles in accordance with “the letter and spirit of the laws of
The Gambia, particularly in respect to employment laws, tax laws and social
security and safety and environmental protection laws”, to ensure that the
needs of its members are addressed, thereby promoting sound industrial
relations in the workplace.
private sector apex body has two guide books it has published, on the labour
laws and taxation in The Gambia, that are of immense value to all stakeholders
in the public and private sectors.
are the ‘Employers’ Guide on the Labour Laws of The Gambia’, and ‘The GCCI
Guide to Taxation in The Gambia for MSMEs’. They are for sale at D200, each,”
Mrs Mboge announced.