#Article (Archive)

Gamcotrap and partners end training on management

Apr 13, 2011, 1:02 PM

Twenty-seven middle level managers and young leaders have completed a three-day management training at the Gamcotrap head office in Kanifing.

The participants were selected from thirteen women’s rights NGOs and institutions working on women and children rights.

The training aimed at building the capacity of Gamcotrap and its partners on Human Resource and Financial Management skills.

According to the Executive Director of Gamcotrap, Dr Isatou Touray, it was important to reach out to other organizations and institutions working on women to update them on new management skills. 

She thanked Save the Children Sweden and UNIFEM, now under the purview of UN WOMEN, for supporting Gamcotrap on such an important initiative. 

Dr Touray shared with participants Gamcotrap’s experience on “Rights Education”, which was introduced to the organization through Save the Children in Sweden.

During the three-day training, participants were exposed on teamwork and project management skills, motivation and monitoring, effective leadership, gender mainstreaming in NGO work, financial management and reporting, institutional strengthening and sustainability strategies.

The training also exposed the participants to the importance of hard work and attitudinal change to ensure effective leadership, and urged them to look for alternative strategies to get the best results in the performance of team members. 

It was noted that communication is an important part of good management and effective leadership in creating a democratic work environment.