Excellency Sir,
behalf of Raslan Group in The Gambia and on my own behalf as the Chief Executive
of the Group for Africa and the First Honorary Consul of The Gambia in Egypt, I
wish to extend my sincere congratulations and best wishes to your Excellency
following your landslide victory in the 1st December 2016 Presidential
Elections which has been described as the most transparent, free, fair and
credible election by local and international election observers.
Excellency, the Gambian people have spoken, and your victory is a clear
testimony of their trust and confidence that all patriotic Gambians must
acknowledge and accept in good faith because the voice of the people is the
voice of Allah Subhaanah Watallah.
Excellency, the peaceful and democratic elections, which is the foundation of
your Presidency, has been received with enthusiasm and hope for political and
economic partnership by the international community, including Raslan Group.
the First Honorary Consul of The Gambia in Egypt, it is my pledge and desire to
contribute my quota to the expansion and consolidation of meaningful
international cooperation for the benefit of the Gambia and the Gambian people.
addition, I will seize this opportunity to assure Your Excellency of my
continued support and collaboration in all your endeavors as Head of State.
will therefore joined all God-fearing Muslims worldwide and pray to Almighty
Allah to grant Your Excellency and team the guidance and wisdom you need to
fulfill the duties and responsibilities bestowed on you by your election to the
highest office in our motherland.
Allah Subhaanah Watallah continue to grant Your Excellency and the Gambia as a
Nation long life, good health, peace, prosperity greater protection and success
in the long journey God has entrusted in you as Head of State and President of
the Republic of The Gambia.
accept Your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration and esteem.
Hatem Raslan
Consul of The Gambia in Egypt and the CEO of Raslan Group for Africa