The tournament was attended by 12 countries in West Africa, namely The Gambia, Senegal, Togo, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Liberia, Nigeria, Benin, Sierra Leon, Burkina Faso, Mali and the host nation Niger.
The Gambia was among six countries that won medals, while Niger won the group stage followed by Senegal and Nigeria.
The Gambia that was expected to be among the first 3 super nations missed the group stage due to late arrival.
The Gambian team was stranded at the Dakar airport on 19 April due to 15minutes late to board the flight.
“The Gambian team was caught up with huge traffic jam towards the airport in Dakar on 19th April while we were more than three hours delayed at the ferry terminal in Banjul.” They said.
Nonetheless, the team arrived in Niamey safe and put up strong challenge to all the participating nations.
The organising committee has expressed delight for the participation of the Gambian team.
The Minister of Sports and Culture in Niger has expressed his delight and appreciation to the efforts of the Gambian team for a job well done.
ECOWAS is highly commended for making quick decision to rebook flight tickets for the Gambian team and Mrs Williams, Bedavia General manager, who also rebooked my air ticket as Head of Delegation to travel with the team on 20th April 2012.
The Gambia and Guinea Bissau teams arrived in Niamey on the first day of the competition to the delight of Niger, Nigeria, Burkinafaso and Togo.
We were told when Gambia was announced late they were dancing because The Gambia, Nigeria, Niger and Senegal are regarded toughest African nations for traditional wrestling.
The Gambian athletes participated for the individual category and Amadou Nure made us proud by capturing silver medal against Senegal.
The Gambian team is expected back on Wednesday 25th April by the first ferry from Dakar.
It is glad to note, ECOWAS recognised Gambia to host the ‘Four Super Nations’ championship in July 2012. Thanks to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Sports Council and the Gambia Wrestling Association for all your support to make Gambia’s participation success.
Congratulations to the Gambian wrestling team. The next ECOWAS games are scheduled first week of June 2012 in Ghana.
The Gambia is expected to send five sporting disciplines, namely Athletic, Boxing, Volley Ball, Hand Ball and Wrestling. The print and electronic media is invited to cover this great event.
Mamudou Max Jallow
Head of Delegation
Niamey, Niger