Hello once again and welcome to your weekly women's column of She She She.
Today we bring you one of the most hardworking, creative and innovative women in the country, who since her graduation from school has been striving so hard to support in the socio-economic development of the Gambia.
This, she did by not only employing young people but also educate them on special techniques in order to make them independent of their needs as well as preparing them to take up their future challenges.
She is a woman who is keenly interested in not only the development of the nation but also her people. She is no other person than Victoria Goddard Tamba, Proprietress and Manager of the famous Vicky's Hairdressing Salon and Skills Centre in Fajara behind KWT radio.
Below is the full text of an interview with Victoria conducted by our She She She columnist.
Please sit back and enjoying reading.
She She She: Madam what are your name(s)?
Vicky: My names are Victoria Goddard Tamba alias Vicky Tamba.
She She She: Which schools did you attended?
Vicky: I was born in Banjul and attended St. Joseph Primary School and St. Peters High School. I graduated in 1985 after finishing my O' Level Certificate. I later went to the Graduate School of Management in the United Kingdom, where I obtained my diploma in hair dressing.
She She She: Tell us more about yourself please?
Vicky: I am married to Mr. Pierre Tamba, the Minister of Local Government and Lands.
She She She: What motivated you to study Hair Dressing in UK?
Vicky: I wanted to study accounting at first but I later change my mind to hair dressing because that way, I felt I can contribute my quota in the development of not only my country but also in the upbringing of the young talents.
She She She: When did you started your business?
Vicky: I started immediately after I graduated from the college in 1989.
She She She: Whom are you doing this business with?
Vicky: I am operating on my own as a private individual.
She She She: Do you have any helping hand in setting up this business?
Vicky: Yes my mother and my father helped me a lot especially when I was starting. I was also encouraged by my then principal to open a hair dressing saloon. This is what prompted me to study hair dressing in UK.
She She She: Are you doing this job all by yourself?
Vicky: No, I have employed some people to join me in this business.
She She She: How many of them?
Vicky: I employed four young people out of whom three are female and one male.
She She She: Why did you only employ the young people?
Vicky: I believe in helping the women and the young people because these are the most vulnerable in our society. I also employ them because that way, I can help in making them responsible and independent of their needs.
She She She: Apart from hair dressing, did you render other services to the society?
Vicky: Yes, I also teach students at my skills center on hair dressing and other techniques.
She She She: Do you have partnership with other business enterprise(s)?
Vicky: I do have partnership with YMCA, NYSS amongst others who are currently sponsoring students at my skills center.
She She She: What advice do you have for your fellow women?
Vicky: I will encourage them to keep up the hardwork that they are known for because I believe one day or the other, everybody will reap the fruit of his/her labour.
She She She: Do you need any support from Government, NGOs or Philanthropists in your business?
Vicky: I will appeal on behalf of my students, who are doing very well to be sponsored by anyone willing to support at any level for them to have a brighter future. This, I believe, will help them also to contribute their quota in the development of this noble and loving country of ours.
She She She: What else would you want to share with the public?
Vicky: I will thank God for making me what I am today. I will also thank my mum and dad for their support during my school and at the time of starting this business. I will also thank all those whom in one way or the other contributed in bringing this saloon and skills center where it is today.
She She She: Thank you so much for granting us this interview.
Vicky: It's a pleasure.