Speaking at the forum held in Farafenni, Ebrima Hydara, senior community health nurse tutor at the Regional Health Management Directorate in Farafenni, said the Ministry of Health is committed to providing statistics on healthcare services to the public.
He said the interface provided a platform for service providers and the community leaders to share ideas on how healthcare services are provided.
The forum accorded the health officials the platform to showcase some of the achievements and challenges registered in service delivery.
Mr Hydara commended the community leaders of Farafenni and its surrounding for their steadfastness in complementing the efforts of healthcare service providers.
Malick Secka, community health nurse of Farafenni, expressed satisfaction on the high level of cooperation by community leaders and women on upholding the services provided.
Dawda Samateh of the Ministry of Health said the interface with community leaders would contribute to building and strengthening trust among service providers and the communities in Farafenni and surrounding.
Alieu Sowe, public health desk officer for Reproductive and Child Health, said such initiative would trigger behavioural change and boost service delivery.
He said the health team has registered achievements such as reduction of anemia, malaria, diarrhea among the under-fives.
Mr Sowe stressed the need for community leaders to be vigilant in ensuring that families practices effective sound environmental management.