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Expelled GWA adviser denies any wrongdoing

Jul 17, 2014, 10:55 AM

Omar Burr Touray, who the Gambia Wrestling Association (GWA) last week said it had dismissed as its adviser and expelled from the organisation, is arguing that he has “never written to an individual or organisation without the consent of the GWA”.

In a letter sent to Pointsports by Mr Touray, he said: “I am proud that I have never been corrupt to get a document for my own benefit or to use the GWA as a springboard to run visa transactions or recommend any of the promoters on my own. More interestingly I have never corrupted any member on travelling with the wrestling team.”

He also stated that he is proud of the contribution he had made in the promotion of wrestling in the country and by also helping to build the sport of wrestling, which was dormant for a particular period.

“I am also proud that I helped the entire executive to make it what it is today,” he noted, saying he remember telling the GWA that his intention was to continue as a promoter but due to the respect he had for President Matarr Jarju he decided to accept the post of adviser.

“The rules and regulations of the GWA is not owned by anybody,” he said,adding that “for someone to fabricate your own rules and regulations because of M & B Promotion then youare fooling yourself, as the rules and regulations are here to stay”.

The action by the GWA would not discourage them from serving the nation in developing wresting, he pointed out.

Mr Touray advised the GWA to be mindful of sending letter that would end up exposing them.

He questioned the GWA on how they could dismiss, expel or terminate the services of someone who has resigned and never attended their meetings since his resignation.

He described his dismissal, expulsion and termination as “baseless”, calling on members of the GWA to adopt ethics of administration to avoid disgrace to themselves.

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