#Article (Archive)

Every child deserves protection

Jan 6, 2014, 9:51 AM

All children irrespective of who they are, and where they come from, deserve protection, care and support.

However, despite numerous measures taken by the government and local organizations and some parents, exploitation and abuse of children is still a cause for concern in the country.

Though services have been designed to protect children and young people who are under-age, and to encourage parents to meet their moral obligations towards their children, the hard fact is that more children are at risk.

This is the case, simply because not only strangers perpetuate this on them, but even their close associates and, in some cases, family members.

As a country, we must intensify our individual and collective efforts in investigating alleged child abuse cases, and ensuring that our future leaders are well protected.

Failure to take adequate measures to safeguard children from harm would have a devastating effect on their growth, physically and psychologically.

Child sexual abuse is another form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual pleasure.

It is real and we must not take things for granted, as it seems to be happening within our corridors. If we fail to report and punish the offenders, we will not be doing justice to them.

Offenders are more likely to be relatives or acquaintances of their victims than strangers.

This is worrying, and must be stopped sooner rather than later.

β€˜β€˜It is easier to build strong children than to repair bro Picture: Elected committee members with Pa Faye and Tiato ken men.’’

Frederick Douglass