high-powered delegation of ECOWAS leaders is expected to visit The Gambia
today, to talk with the sitting president on the current political standoff
lingering in the country.
ECOWAS Mediation Support Team, which comprises the Presidents of Nigeria,
Liberia, Sierra Leone and former president of Ghana, along with representatives
of the United Nations and African Union, will visit Banjul to continue talks
with the sitting president to find a solution to the political problem hitting
hard on the nation.
are, therefore, praying that this second attempt yields fruit, and pulls our
nation from going down the lane of violent conflict.
has been so much trouble in the world, such as internal strife and external
aggressions, many of which have ended up destroying the growth, development,
social fabric and human lives of nations.
should not opt to go down that lane before we come to terms. Let us save our
nation of that horrible and infamous history by coming to terms peacefully, and
accepting the will of God. Not by violent means.
people and organisations have called for a peaceful solution to the problem,
which is actually the right path to follow.
peaceful negotiation is, therefore, the best option. Let us pursue it and see
it to the end.
is another opportunity at hand – the Muhammadu Buhari Mediation Support Team
efforts could bring a solution to this impasse.
therefore, welcome the Ecowas leaders’ Mediation Support Team to help us
resolve this lingering political problem our nation is going through.
has said many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for four-leaf
is often difficult to recognize; we usually expect it to beckon us with beepers
and billboards.”
Arthur Ward
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Dec 30, 2009, 1:29 PM