Brief History of Time begins with a striking image and a wonderful true story:
An elderly lady attended a public lecture given by an astrophysicist on how the
Earth goes around the Sun and how the Sun circles about with countless other
stars in our galaxy the Milky Way. During the question and answer session, the
woman stood up and told the distinguished scientist that his lecture was
nonsense, that the Earth is a flat disk supported on the back of an enormous
tortoise. The scientist tried to outwit the lady by asking, “Well, my dear,
what supports the tortoise?” To which she replied, “You’re a very clever young
man, but not clever enough. It’s turtles all the way down!”
not intended by Stephen W. Hawking, author of A Brief History of Time and distinguished
cosmologist at Cambridge Universe, the image of many turtles, each supporting
the next may be viewed as a metaphor. Consider the following chain of
questions. (1) What causes Earth’s motion? The answer is, of course, gravity.
The Sun pulls on Earth causing it to orbit in an almost perfect circle. (2) But
what causes gravity? According to Albert Einstein’s general theory of
relativity, it is the curvature of space. (3) But what causes space to curve?
Again, according to Einstein’s theory, it is mass. (4) But why should mass
cause space to deform? At this point, scientists can only say, “This is the way
things are.” Apparently, the theory of gravity rests upon not an infinite tower
of turtles, but only on three. Scientists do not know what holds up the third
turtle, but, perhaps, someday a fourth turtle will be found.
uses the image of an infinite tower of tortoises to introduce contrasting views
of the Universe. Indeed, the first chapter continues with an account of
people’s varying pictures of the cosmos over the last few millennia. It is
common practice for popular science books to present the historical perspective
of a subject. This creates the feeling among readers with limited scientific
background that they are learning something about science.
it does not take long for Hawking to present some real physics. The first half
of his book discusses some of the most important concepts: gravity, quantum
mechanics, particle physics and the unification of space and time. Hawking has
done well in selecting the topics for his book.
1905, Einstein forever changed our view of space-time. Time joined space as the
fourth dimension. The consequences were mind boggling: the notion of time and
length became relative. Clocks in fast-moving rockets tick more slowly, and
yardsticks shrink in length. Energy and mass are equivalent, related through
the famous equation E=mc2. These effects, all a consequence of special
relativity, have been well confirmed by experiments. But for those who have not
traveled at almost the speed of light and this includes all of us, the concepts
seem foreign. Perhaps, it is at this point in the second chapter that many
readers put down A Brief History of Time. Actually, the non-scientist, when
reading a popular science book, should forge ahead, simply skipping what he or
she does not understand; one will be surprised at how much one can still learn.
third chapter of Hawking’s book addresses Einstein’s general theory of
relativity, which is briefly described above in the second paragraph of this
review. An amazing consequence of this gravity theory is the expansion of the
Universe. The fabric of space is stretching, causing its contents to drift
apart. We, humans, do not see the expansion because its local effect is insignificant.
One needs to look at distance objects. When astronomers view faraway galaxies,
they see them all moving away from Earth and away from one another.
mechanics involves what-is-known-as “wave mechanics.” A wave is associated with
every entity in the Universe. Waves can interfere, meaning that their crests,
when coinciding, add to form a higher crest (a phenomenon called constructive
interference), or the crest of one and the trough of another, when merging,
produce no wave at all (a phenomenon called destructive interference). This
inference can create highly nonintuitive effects.
a wave extends over a finite distance, it does not have a precise location.
This leads to uncertainty especially for tiny objects. If you were an electron
zooming around an atom, you would not know your position exactly. You would
continually ask, “Where am I now?” And the answer would be in terms of
probabilities: 25% chance over there, 10% chance here, and so on. The idea that
you, a microscopic particle, might be here or there is difficult to fathom.
only briefly mentions what-is-perhaps the most intuitive way of understanding
quantum mechanics: the path integral. A great opportunity is missed here to
explain in simple terms this very difficulty physics subject].
great discovery of the twentieth century is that all matter is made up of only
a few microscopic constituents and that only four fundamental forces control
everything. The ultimate in reductionism has been achieved.
basic building blocks are quarks and leptons. Three quarks bind tightly
together to form a proton or a neutron. Protons and neutrons stick to one
another to form a nucleus, the central, heavy core of an atom. Atoms join to
create molecules, and molecules compose everything there is in the macroscopic
world, from human flesh to jagged rocks. Of the leptons, there are two types:
electrons, which are negatively charged, and neutrinos, which are -- as the
name implies -- neutral or without charge. Electrons, which are relatively
light, form a cloud of probability that surrounds the nucleus. Thus, an atom is
a nucleus together with an electronic quantum cloud.
are produced in subatomic reactions, such as those that take place in the
center of the Sun. Neutrinos rarely interact with anything, which is why they
go unnoticed. Millions are streaming through your body at this very instance,
causing you no harm since they do not collide with any of the quarks or
electrons inside you. Neutrinos are like rapid-moving tiny ghosts.
four fundamental forces are gravity, the electric-magnetic force, the strong
subnuclear force and the weak subnuclear interaction. Gravity is the mutual
attraction between bodies of mass.
the nineteenth century, it was realized that the electric and magnetic forces
were manifestations of a single force known as electromagnetism. Charges come
in two kinds: positive and negative. The electric force is the repulsion
between charges of the same kind and the attraction between charges of the opposite
kind: As the saying goes, “Unlikes attract; likes repel.” All magnetism is
created by currents, or the movement of charge. For example, Earth’s magnetic
field is produced by currents in its liquid outer core. The most familiar
manifestation of magnetism is the deflection of a compass needle.
strong nuclear force binds quarks in a proton or neutron. It also holds these
protons and neutrons together in a nucleus. The weak subnuclear interaction is
responsible for certain radioactive decays of nuclei. It also participates in
nuclear processes that produce the Sun’s energy. As its name implies, it is the
weakest force.
second half of Hawking’s book treats topics closely related to his research:
black holes, Hawking radiation, the boundary condition for the Universe at the
beginning of time, and the unification of physics.
consequence of Einstein’s general theory of relatively is that gravity tugs on
light. Because light travels so fast, it is able to speed past massive bodies
such as the Earth and Sun with little change of direction. However, a very
dense and heavy object can exert a significant pull on light. If enough mass is
concentrated in a small region, then a black hole forms. On such a black hole,
a beam of light when directed upward would rise, turn over, and fall back down
like a fountain’s jet of water does on Earth. Nothing can escape the powerful
force of gravity inside a black hole -- not even light.
the last statement is not strictly speaking true. Because of the uncertainty
that arises from quantum mechanics, there is a minute probability that either
an electron or a wave of light can find itself outside the black hole. If so,
it is free to escape. This effect is known as Hawking radiation. Hence, black
holes are not completely black. However, the radiation of electrons and light
emerging from a black hole is extremely feeble unless the black hole is of
microscopic size. This is because quantum mechanical effects are only
significant for tiny objects.
the Universe is expanding now, then in the remote past, it must have been
considerably smaller. About 15 billion years ago, all matter had to have been
concentrated in a tiny place. If so, it is possible that the Universe began as
a black hole in which space and time were on equal footing.
laws of physics determine how the Universe evolves. But they do not specify the
initial conditions, that is, the position of each point of space at the moment
of creation. Some people say that it is here that a supreme being could have
played a role, that God chose the initial conditions and thereby determined the
evolution of our world. However, Hawking in work with Jim Hartle believes that
our Universe began with no boundary, a possibility that can arise only if space
and time are on equal footing. It is easier to visualize the situation when
space is a one-dimensional circle. In this case, space-time is like a
hemisphere, similar to the southern half of Earth. Space consists of circles of
fixed latitude, while motion in time is movement northward along a longitude.
The beginning of time is the South Pole, while the present is a circle around
the Earth at the northernmost latitude. ]
no-boundary idea is highly speculative, unconfirmed by experiment and unlikely
to be tested for centuries to come. But if true, it has dramatic philosophical
implications. Hawking states in carefully worded language that there would be
no need to invoke God. He ends Chapter 8 with “If the universe is really
completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have no
beginning: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?”
final topic of the book is unification. Here the idea is to find a theory that
incorporates all four fundamental forces in a single structure. Einstein spent
the last half of his life unsuccessfully searching for such a unified theory.
Today, theorists are exploring. Strings offer the hope of not only unifying the
forces but also the quarks and leptons. Unfortunately, no one knows whether
superstrings are the theory of everything or an appealing mathematical concept
with no connection to reality.
Brief History of Time is well written, but not better than other good popular
science books. Among such books, Hawking’s is perhaps the best seller of all,
having sold more than 5 million copies. A Brief History of Time has the
reputation of being the most bought, least read book. Why then should it sell
so well?
reason is Stephen Hawking himself. He is a phenomenon. In his twenties, he
contracted ALS, popularly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. As his motor neutrons
decayed, he lost the movement of his legs and arms and became confined to a
wheel chair. Eventually, his voice faded to a barely comprehensible monotone of
noise. Today, unable to speak, his condition has stabilized but he can only
move his eyes and a finger.
his horrible physical situation, Hawking has remained productive as a
researcher. With the help of computers, he is able to communicate and give
lectures. All such communications are painstakingly slow and need to be
prepared in advance. Even under these circumstances, Hawking has written books,
appeared in a movie about his life, performed calculations in his head, raised
a family, and in his own words “had a fairly normal life and a successful
career.” Hawking is the quintessential role model for a person with
has amazed the public by conducting top-rate research under such debilitating
physical conditions. Although none of his work is worthy of a Nobel Prize, his
scientific accomplishments are vast. Many would rank him among the best several
hundred scientists of his generation.
Brief History of Time is recommended to
those who are interested in physics, cosmology, natural philosophy or the
history of science and who have already acquired some knowledge of science
either through study or by the reading of other books.
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