The first batch of the 2009 Taiwan Youth Culture and Study participants on Sunday August 9th 2009, finally wrapped-up their session.
The captivating tour, which lasted for 14 days, was attended by 73 participants from all over Europe, Taiwan, The Gambia and Swaziland.
It was organised by China Youth Corps with funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of China on Taiwan.
The objective of the programme is to enhance the cultural exchanges with youths in Europe and Africa, boost Taiwan tourism and prompt participants to make a better understanding of every aspect in Taiwan, such as social, economic situation, cultural education, democratic development, environmental protection and ecology by their personal participation in all activities.
Additionally, the tour also seeks to encourage more people's visits from Europe to Taiwan by delivering many of Taiwan's advantages right after their participation, and to facilitate participation of more youths in Taiwan.
During the past two weeks, participants visited so many worth-looking places in Taipei, the capital and other major cities and villages in the Island.
The tour accorded the participants the opportunity to have first hand information about Taiwan in all aspects of their life and development.
Addressing participants at the farewell party held at the famous Grand Hotel in Taipei, Mr. James K. J Lee, the Deputy Director General at the Department of European Affairs at MOFA, congratulated the participants for successfully participating in the programme.
"When you first came to Taiwan, I guess you were all strangers but today you have become friends and acquaintances," he stated, while encouraging participants to always remember the fun memories of Taiwan. He commended all those who contributed to the success of the camp.
In delivering the vote of thanks, on behalf of the participants, Louise Moses Mendy, a participant from the Gambia applauded the Government of Taiwan through MOFA for the opportunity given to young people from different parts of the world.
"This makes us understand and appreciate Taiwan better, despite our geographical distance and social differences," he said.
He commended the people of Taiwan for the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to them.
Mendy assured the organisers that the 2009 participants will serve as Ambassadors of Taiwan in their respective countries.
The party ended with entertainment by the participants, depicting the dance of different participating countries.
The occasion was graced by officials from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education.
The camp closed on Monday August 10th 2009, after the final seminar on the outlook of the Taiwan's environment.