#Youth Forum

National Youth Council validation workshop winds up

Sep 3, 2024, 11:49 AM | Article By: Lamin Darboe

National Youth Council (NYSC) - The Gambia under the Ministry of Youth & Sports (MoYS) with support from the World Bank’s GAM Swedd+ project has concluded a three-day validation workshop on two key documents.

The workshop brought together stakeholders, regional youth committee members, and youth organizations to validate the Standard Operating Procedure manual (SOP) and Safe Space Curriculum.

This milestone confirms that the documents are aimed at creating safe spaces for young girls, adolescents, and women.

Alagie Jarju, Executive Director of the National Youth Council (NYC), delivered the opening remarks and emphasised the importance of the workshop.

"The documents we are validating today are foundational to our efforts in ensuring the safety and well-being of young girls and women in our communities,” he stated.  “These documents will guide our activities in creating environments where young girls can gather, learn, and grow."

Jarjue emphasised that the validation process was not just a formality but a crucial step in ensuring that the documents are practical, relevant, and aligned with the needs of the young girls and women the project aims to support.

"Your insights and contributions during this workshop will be crucial in refining these documents and making sure they are fit for the purpose they are intended for,"he added.

The SWEDD+ project, which involves multiple partners, including various ministries, is designed to address the pressing challenges faced by adolescent girls and women in communities across the country.

The project focuses on improving life and livelihood skills for adolescents, particularly in rural areas, through the creation of safe spaces such as youth centers, schools and other community facilities.

Omar Bah, program officer at the National Youth Council (NYC), chaired the workshop, and Mberry Jobe, Deputy Executive Director of NYC, gave a brief presentation on the project.

Meanwhile, in a significant move to ensure that Gambian youth have a voice on the global stage,  Ministry of Youth and Sports Bakary Y. Badjie has officially opened the National Youth Consultation on the Summit of the Future.

Minister Badjie expressed pride in the government's inclusive approach, highlighting that the consultation brings together a diverse group of young people, including those differently abled, rural and urban youth, young entrepreneurs, activists, and others.

Badjie  emphasised that the government's objective is to ensure that Gambian youth can articulate their vision for a better future, contribute to sustainable development, and enhance the nation's profile on the global stage.