Working round the clock to meet customer satisfaction, the bank has aptly responded to the needs and demands of the times by rolling out real-time e-banking products and services customers can utilize even from their closets or innermost abode.
The bank’s e-banking products and services put at the disposal of customers include Electronic Bill Payment, Online Banking and Mobile App, and ATM Card.
The Electronic Bill Payment - which makes it possible for both Trust Bank customers and non-customers alike to make payment of their utility bills, telephone bills, school fee and many more - gives customers the opportunity to pay bills free of charge, get instant receipt to confirm payment, ensure payment received instantly by utility company or school, make payment at all Trust Bank branches, save time, and track payment easily.
The Online Banking and Mobile App the bank has rolled out to customers allow them to carry out financial and non-financial transactions with benefits ranging from account balances enquiring, to account funds transfer, print account statement, cheque book request, exchange rates info, options to stop cheques or enquire about them, salary advance, and bill payment.
Also, the bank has Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) that are located in all its 18 branches across the country, and there are 22 ATMs put to the use of customers to have more access to their funds at ease. The service let customers enjoy 24-hour access to their cash, including enabling visa card holders to use the bank’s ATMs.