
ToR of the Armed Forces Council

Sep 19, 2024, 11:57 AM | Article By: Dr Cherno Omar Barry 

The ToR of the Armed Forces Council is in the Constitution of the Gambia under section 189 as indicated below. This is purely for information purposes.
Armed Forces Council (Section 189):
1. Composition: The Armed Forces Council shall consist of:
 The Vice-President as Chairman,
 The Minister of Defense,
 The Chief of Defence Staff,
 The Armed Forces Chief of Staff,
 The Commanders of the Army, Navy, and Air Force,
 The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense,
 Two other persons appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the National Assembly.
2. Functions of the Armed Forces Council:
 Advise the President on all matters of policy relating to defence and strategy, including the role of the Armed Forces, defence budgeting, and administration.
 Advise the President on the promotion of officers to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (or its equivalent) and above.
 With the prior approval of the President, the Council makes regulations for the performance of its functions under the Constitution and other laws, as well as the effective administration of the Armed Forces.
3. Regulations include provisions on:
 The control and administration of the Armed Forces.
 The ranks and use of uniforms by the Armed Forces.
 The conditions of service, pay, pensions, and other allowances for officers and men.
 The authority and command powers of officers.
 The powers of commanding officers to try members of the Armed Forces.
 The establishment of research and development units in the Armed Forces.