
The advocate urges peaceful election

Nov 23, 2021, 12:39 PM

As The Gambia and the global community await to be ushered on the fate of December 4th 2021 Presidential elections under the care and professional watch of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), the institution responsible for coordination and administration of election related affairs in the country, The Advocate, being one of the registered Non-governmental Organisations / Civil Society Organisations in the country, urges stakeholders to maintain the spirit of peace, love, unity and peaceful co-existence that The Gambia is known for, hence the tagged named “Smiling Coast of Africa” and a paradise for tourist and visitors destination.

The Organisation is aware of the fact that election(s) constitutes key pillar(s) in the democratic process of any country basking in the glory of democracy, good governance, rule of law and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms of people, regardless of citizenship and status in life, but also believed in the fact that election(s) comes and go, but the country and people stay.

The Organisation further urges need to exercise our civic and political rights within the context of Code of Conduct of Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia, African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights among other legal provisions at domestic, regional and international level governing elections, good governance, rule of and respect for human rights.

The Organisation, being of the domestic organisations accorded the opportunity to observe this election (4th December, 2021) Presidential Election by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), The Organisation shall be on the ground exercising its legal mandate, through detailed observation of every bit of the election processes before, during and after the exercise to be reduced into a report for submission to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), in line with function(s) and objectives of any given election observer at domestic, regional and international level.


The Advocate is a right based Organisation registered with the Attorney General Chambers and Ministry of Justice of The Gambia with registration  and its  engages are not limited the following;

  1.   Research on various issues affecting lives and properties on this planet, especially matters of human rights at community, national, regional and international level
  2.   Documentation and publication of such research findings in the form of  Magazines, News Letters, Books, Leaf-lets among others for consumption of greater global community with a view to pave the way for decent human activities through promotion and protection of fundamental freedoms and rights
  3.   To provide intellectual property rights (IPRs) training at institutional and private level for both public and private sector stakeholders on matters affecting promotion and protection of intellectual property rights at domestic, regional and international level

By Sanna Jawara, Chief Executive Officer, The Advocate

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