The orientation, an annual tradition of the school, is familiarisation for freshmen at the institution, which exposes them to the ins and outs of higher education and university culture. It is also geared towards helping new faces navigate the university system with ease.
From course registration, research and other vital topics pertaining to the world of higher education and academia, the discussions often prove inspiring, making it easier for students to come to terms with their new environment and be at par with expectations.
Since its inception in 1999, the UTG continues to stand firm as a powerhouse for transformative education, innovation and research, effectively enhancing socio-economic progress by educating, training and shaping the character of aspiring nation builders and potential young leaders.
Its zero tolerance for all forms of academic misconduct embodies its uncompromising principles and firm belief in hard work and a commitment to excellence.
The ceremony was attended by senior dons and staff of the University, such as the Vice Chancellor, Deans of the various Faculties and Schools and Directors of University Departments, who would highlighted key points on vital issues.
Also, the orientation would host new students from various fields namely: Law, Political Science, Education, Development Studies, Economics, Management, Agriculture, Administration, etc.
Like all other universities across the world, the new batch of students would be required to complete their various fields’ required credit hours of lectures, complete research assignments, assessment and examinations before being granted a degree.