Abimbola Adewumi, project coordinator at UNODC Promise Project in Nigeria, made this call during a recent dialogue held at the Governors residence in Basse, in the Upper River Region.
She reminded that criminalising smuggling of migrants will help in minimising the number of people that embark on irregular migration in search of better prospects in the West.
“This legislative framework serves two things: first it will serve as deterrence for the smugglers to continue to engage in that illicit trade, and it can also be a frame work that can help destruct the smuggling ring that they come up with.” she added.
Adewumi made reference to a research UNODC did on trans-national organised crime threat assessment; one of the findings, revealed that every crime is not independent.
“Therefore, the crime of migrant smuggling is happening and also associated crimes are happening.”
Thus, she suggested the need for mentoring sessions and literacy to reinstate hope in the lives of the young people.
Fatou Geo Barry, project coordinator, UNODC Promise Project of The Gambia, revealed that they have heard about the struggles families go through as a result of youth leaving their homes through the backway and the feeling that they went to seek greener pasture.
“We realize that we need your support and collaboration in the regional level to filter through the communities and make them aware that human trafficking is existing and we can fall a victim.”
Muhammed Ngalan, vice president of UTG Law Students Association, informed the gathering that annually, they organise the law week where they engage the people on legal and pertinent issues around them.
“Fortunately, for the past three years together with UNODC, we were able to sensitise people on Trafficking -In Persons and Smuggling of Migrants.”
“Because we believe it’s becoming more alarming and it is affecting our communities more. We are the present and future of the nation and we losing so many lives through these two transnational organised crimes and we need to fight harder to end these menace because the longer it takes the more we lose our fellows and the more we fail as a nation.”
Seedy Bojang, a representative from NAATIP, disclosed that 28 cases were registered on trafficking in person, out of which 15 are sexual exploitation involving Nigerian nationals, who are all young girls ranging from 15 years to 25.
“Also, 13 are Labour exploitation involving both Gambian and other nationals. Two convictions: Gambian and Nigerian nationals. We also have ongoing cases at the Ministry of Justice waiting for legal advice and prosecution.”
He also said they a hotline (1123) which can be reached by using any GSM proivder in the country for fee, in other to report suspected or existing case of trafficking in person.
Samba Bah, Governor of Basse, calls for more collaboration by all including government and non governmental organisations to fight collectively against TiP and SoM.