Seedy Keita, Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs made this disclosure recently while presenting the 2024 budget speech at the National Assembly.
He disclosed that the rehabilitation works for classrooms and other basic amenities for both students and management staff are ongoing in 10 schools across different regions.
“This is geared towards teacher motivation, welfare improvement and performance enhancement.”
By its mandate of ensuring universal access to education, he added that the Ministry is undertaking a review of its education sector policy which covers the period of 2016 to 2030.
“A comprehensive consultation is ongoing with key stakeholders to address the inherent weaknesses and capture pertinent emerging issues while consolidating gains registered thus far. This will guide education service delivery in The Gambia from Early Childhood to Tertiary and Higher Education for the remainder of the policy period.”
The Finance Minister also disclosed that in ensuring quality education delivery at all education levels, the Ministry through a collaborative effort with The Gambia College, the University of The Gambia, and the University of Science, Engineering and Technology continues to train and increase the number of qualified teachers across all levels.
“The Ministry has also embarked on a comprehensive curriculum review for all levels and a new curriculum framework has been developed and translated into Arabic and French. As a result, the Ministry made TVET a priority area in line with the Government’s desire to invest in skills development initiatives that enhance independent learning, creativity, intrapersonal skills, and critical thinking capabilities.”
Furthermore, he highlighted that the Ministry has updated the 2014 Scheme of Service to improve the working conditions of teachers across all levels.
This, he added, is in pursuit of the Government’s commitment and resolve to address both contemporary and emerging issues confronting the teaching cadre.
“The new service scheme will guide the operation, recruitment, redeployment, and posting of teaching and non-teaching cadres as outlined in the revised General Orders.”
To improve the health and nutrition of children, he revealed that the government, in collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP) and USA support implemented by CARITAS, has scaled up the home-grown school feeding intervention in the Lower River and West Coast regions.
To that end, he disclosed that a plan has been put in action to intervene in 186 schools, which started in October 2023, with an estimated 51,000 students expected to benefit from the program.