#National News

Njaboute Foundation sensitises students on menstrual hygiene

Sep 25, 2024, 11:07 AM | Article By: Mariama A. Darboe

Njaboute Foundation Gambia on Saturday 14 September 2024, embarked on a day’s sensitisation on mensural cycle and hygiene for female students of Kinderdorf Bottrop Senior Secondary School

The event held at the school ground in Brikama, was aimed at educating students especially girls about their anatomy and evolvement. It also seeks to inculcate knowledge learnt during the session to their fellow students, peers, and community.

Foday Bojang and Isatou Jallow, lead tutors for the session gave an overview of what mensuration is, signs and symptoms of mensturation, menstrual cycle, home or school management of menstrual attacks and fear of discrimination in a girl child.

 Binta Tunkara, a participant, challenged colleagues to engage their parents, thus emphasising girls to take their hygiene seriously and to know their sexuality before using certain sanitary products.

She also assured Njaboute Foundation and the school administration that the acquired knowledge will not remain on the four walls of their classrooms; rather, they will extend it to the entire students and their various communities.

Jorbateh, Principal of Kinderdorf Bottrop expressed gratitude and appreciation to Njaboute Foundation for their efforts and support towards impacting change in today’s society, especially in Kinderdorf Bottrop Senior Secondary School.

He also advised students to practice and enlighten their peers on what they learnt after the session for a greater impact, change, and awareness.