#National News

National Codex Committee launched

Dec 9, 2020, 1:48 PM | Article By: Emmanuel Adomako

The vice president Dr Isatou Touray recently launched the National Codex Committee, championed by the International Food Standards at a ceremony held at the Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara Conference Centre.

The committee is tasked with the responsibility of formulating national responses to the protocols and policies of the flagship food safety body, the Codex Alimentarius Commission and provide advice to the government on matters related to codex, among others.

In a statement, Dr Amadou Sowe board chairman explained that the Codex Alimentarius is a collection of intentionally adopted food standards and related texts in a uniform manner aimed at protecting consumers’ health, safety and fair practices in food trade.

This, he said, is consistent with FSQA’s mandate, which includes among others, to regulate and control importation, expectation, manufacture, advertisement, distribution, sale and use of food.

He noted that the NCC is an important mechanism to support inclusiveness and transparency, as a key characteristic to the country’s participation in codex issues.

“The nation through the NCC intends to increase its participation in the development of codex standards to increase the generation of data to support the preparation of the country’s position on various codex issues.”

In her launch statement, Dr Isatou Touray vice president of The Gambia, said the government of The Gambia is very conscious in promoting a healthy eating and lifestyle to increase human productivity, life expectancy and socio-economic growth and development.

“Safety and quality of food is prominent to achieving the set target goal.”

Dr. Touray acknowledged that the committee played an important role over the years by participating in codex activities and guiding policy development and serving as advisor to government.

A posthumous lifetime achievement award was given to the family of the late Dr Omar Touray, a veterinarian in honour and recognition ofhis selflessservices to the nation.