Minister Badjie hailed the initiative as a milestone, describing it as in line with government’s aspirations for youth of The Gambia. He said the center would serve young people positively and promised that his ministry will contribute towards the construction.
“My deputy Permanent Secretary is here with me, and from here, we are going to discuss how much to contribute towards the project. It is not a donation because this is something we as a government was supposed to do, hence, if ChildFund and Saama Kairo initiate it and put their resources in it, we will surely join them in making it a success,” stated the Youth and Sport Minister.
The Minister reiterated his call for young people to embrace sports both as leisure and business, saying sports is a lucrative business.
ChildFund Country Director Musu Kuta Komma-Bah said ChildFund prioritises children and youth in key policies and strategies, and supports them through standalone programs and projects, mainstreaming and project areas.
She said youth constitutes a significant part of our society. She stressed the need to develop social responsibility among youth to protect them from risks of delinquencies.
The ChildFund Country Director reiterated ChildFund’s commitment to work with government sectors to ensure no youth is left behind as stated in government’s development blueprint – the National Development Plan.
Sunkary Jatta, Sama Kairo Federation manager explained that the center is aimed at increasing youth participation in matters that contribute to their development. He added that the center houses a multi-purpose conference hall, a library, basketball court, catering department, guest house and playground.
Mr.Jatta announced that his federation has received part of the estimated fifteen-million-dalasi cost of the project from ChildFund but added that two-thirds of funding the project remains. He appeals to all to come forward to support the realisation of the project for young people.
The regional youth chairman, Lamin Sanneh, said the multi-purpose center is the first of its kind for Brikama.