The initiative was aimed at improving eye health across the country, while providing the much-needed access to eye care services for those who cannot otherwise afford them.
Also, the initiative seeks to detect and address common eye conditions targeting students, elderly individuals, and low-income families who received free consultations and, in some cases, corrective lenses. The beneficiary communities include Tujereng in Kombo South, Fonis and Kiang among others.
Empowering Women through Skills Training, beyond healthcare, Mbolo association is also playing a vital role in empowering young women by offering various vocational courses under a project titled “Fandema”.
The ‘Fandema’ projects includes cooperative and skill centers for women and girls; Fandema renewable energy as well as Fandema International Nursery and Primary School and Teacher Training Facility.
Malang Sambou, co-founder of Mbolo Association and head technician in Fandema Renewable Energy, explained that the free eye care initiative aims to improve vision quality for Gambians, thus complementing the Ministry of Health’s efforts.
The volunteers from abroad brought in specialised equipment and also train local women to continue eye testing. The project, he said, is open to all Gambians in need.
Furthermore, Sambou revealed that Fandema with European partners, such as Maltra Vision, are also training young women in renewable energy, enabling them to build and manage solar power systems.
In addition to its main center, he said the project runs solar multi-functional platforms across various communities in the country, where trained women work as solar technicians.
Rafael Matamoros, an entrepreneur from Barcelona, Spain, revealed that the project is a collaborative initiative with "Reus for Gambia", stating that the project focuses on providing vision care to the Gambian population by distributing between 3,000 and 4,000 pairs of prescription glasses.
The Spanish entrepreneur maintained that the team comprises 12, including an optometrist, who he said, measures individuals' prescriptions to match them with the correct glasses.
The motivation behind the project, he added, stems from their desire to help others and take a break from the stressful European lifestyle.
He noted that they have partnered with Fandema, an organisation dedicated to empowering women and girls in Gambia, as their values align with its mission, while bemoaning some of the challenges which include language barrier particularly in remote areas.
Fanta Tamba, a beneficiary expressed gratitude to the Fandema and partners for such an amazing initiative, saying such an initiative is a greater opportunity for better vision and improvement to well-being.