#National News

‘Mballit Project’ takes center stage in Jaja Cham's testimony

Jan 20, 2025, 11:28 AM | Article By: Ali Jaw

The 'Mballit' Project, a controversial issue currently under review by the Local Government Commission of Inquiry, emerged as the focal point of Jaja Cham’s testimony. This is reigniting discussions within the Commission's chambers at the Djembe Hotel, Senegambia.

Cham served as the administration director at the Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC) and previously held the position of acting CEO.

Jaja asserted that he had no knowledge of any negotiations with Espace before the official bidding process.

He stated that he was only informed about the negotiations that took place following the bidding, aimed at reducing the price, and that effort proved successful.

However, Lead Counsel Patrick Gomez informed Jaja Cham that Espace Motors was not the most cost-effective option.

Jaja Cham stated that during the contract-awarding process, they considered specifications, quality, and the specific needs to be met. He confirmed that Espace Motors was selected for the contract as they were the sole bidder willing to pre-finance the truck purchases.