The new boreholes are meant to ease the drudgery encountered by these rural communities to access clean and potable drinking water.
Handing over the new boreholes to the respective communities, Kawsu Kinteh, chairman Humanity First Gambia, expressed delight in the timely completion of the project.
The NGO, he added, is out to serve mankind irrespective of religious beliefs, political association or racial affiliation.
"The project is meant to provide safe and clean drinking water to the communities who have little or no access to water. Therefore, the donation is the second of its kind in 2023 by Humanity First Gambia. In February, Humanity First donated 20 boreholes to communities in WCR, CRR and URR."
Chairman Kinteh also advised the beneficiaries to take ownership of the project as it would require future maintenance.
He thanked all their donors for what he described as investing in a worthy cause.
For his part, Doudou Sannoh, an adviser to the President, whose community of Jimara also benefited from the project, expressed appreciation and gratitude to Humanity First.
He lauded the NGO for the move, adding that the activities of Humanity First Gambia is not limited to providing clean drinking water, but also assisting in the areas of health, education and disaster relief.
"On behalf of these communities and the government, I thank Humanity First for the timely project and appealed for more support."
The alkalo of Sare Legay, Nafa Camara expressed delight over the gesture, stating that the project is the first in the history of the village.
Similar sentiment was made by the Alkalo of Tabajan Jerro Sowe
Women representative, Jarri Jallow expressed similar sentiments.
She lamented some of the challenges they used encounter in accessing water for domestic consumption in the area.
The beneficiary villages include Sare Mansali and Changal Lang Kaddy in CRR, Sare Musa, Sare Legay and Tabajan all in Jimara, URR.
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