It could be noted that The Gambia Government through the NHIA aims to attain universal health service coverage and the GEHSSP support is a step towards the realisation of that objective.
Assan Njie, director of services at the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) explained that in September 2021, law makers in The Gambia enacted the National Health Insurance Act which established the National Health Insurance Authority, mandated by law to implement the National Health Insurance Scheme.
Mr Njie added that the NHIA aims at ensuring that Gambians and non-Gambians alike have access to quality and needed health services without facing financial hardship.
“It is fitting that you have provided us with the appropriate working tools that would enhance our operational duties,” he also said while thanking the World Bank for their continuous support to the National Health Insurance Authority and Ministry of Health.
“We want to assure all including the World Bank that these operational tools will be utilised efficiently to enhance the work of the Authority to implement the National Health Insurance Scheme,” he concluded.