The event was presided over by the Director of Operation at GAF Lt. Colonel Omar Bojang on behalf of the Chief of Defense Staff CDS.
However, the sole objective of the association is to help each other in times of need dead or alive.
Addressing the gathering, Lamin Badjie, vice president of GAF Intake 28 (A) Family Association, explained that the association was formed on the bed rock of solidarity, peace and unity amongst its intakes’ mates.
He reminded that the membership of the association was based on a common bond among soldiers enlisted into GAF in May 2006.
“Eventually, in 2019, the association formed called GAF Intake 28 A Family Association. The sole objective of the association is to help each other in times of need dead or alive.”
He made it categorically clear that the association is apolitical, non-religious or tribal based.
“We built the association on a common bond of intake mates and we have a legal instrument which guides our activities.” he stated.
He spoke about the tremendous achievements registered during the period under review.
“These achievements could not have been possible if not these dedicated and committed executive members who made this possible,” he said.
He cited that all these achievements were made possible through the fatherly guidance of Mr Hussein, Managing Director of Africell, with the brand Africell, who championed most of their key activities such as fundraiser, AGM and many more.
Also speaking, Sulayman Colley, Secretary General of GAF Intake 28 A Family Association, recalled that the association was established in 2019, and started as an endemic association with the main objective of strengthening unity and solidarity amongst intake mates.
This, he added, is backed by a strong bond of comradeship, as the common adage says ‘class is thicker than blood.’
“Also, being cognizant of the fact that every soul must taste death, this is manifested in our gathering today, some of our dear comrades have answered to the call of the Almighty. However, we knew of their children always resonates in our minds. Although we knew we can bring them back to life, but we can always honour the death by looking after their children.” he noted.
He highlighted that in order to enhance good governance and best practice, the association designed a guiding or working tool, which is the constitution.
He also cited that there can never be a strong formation without financial background, consequently, members agreed for monthly contribution of D50 each effective January 2024.
Furthermore, as they progress to an epidemic association, members agreed to increase monthly dues from D50 to D100, as this will help in facilitation of activities for the association in an effective and efficient manner since all there are costs attached to every activity. Mr Colley noted.
He also disclosed that during the period under review, the association provided welfare fund of D5,000 and D3,000 to members during ceremonies and sicknesses respectively. “Any active member who pays monthly dues and attends some functions of the association is entitled to D5,000 for his or her ceremony, this is done as a show of solidarity. Also, the association sends representatives to attend the ceremony. Again, member or immediate family member who falls sick, the association gives D3,000 as show of support to foot your medical bill.”
More importantly, over the period under review the association has provided learning materials and clothing to 14 children of deceased intake mates.