#National News

EU scales up BReST project support to women & children in response to covid-19 outbreak

Apr 28, 2020, 1:39 PM

Press release

In light of the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic and its unavoidable socio-economic consequences, the European Union has taken the decision to increase funding to the successful Building Resilience through Social Transfers- BReST project being implemented by UNICEF, National Nutrition Agency NaNA and Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare.   

This increase of 11,000,000.00 Gambian Dalasis (209,000.00 EUR) will be used to fund a new ‘’COVID-19 Cash Transfer response’’ activity. This activity will target the most vulnerable households in the BReST implementing regions of CRR, URR and NBR and involve provision of an immediate cash transfer of 1500 GMD per mother and child pair. The transfer will be used as an immediate stop gap for purchase of essential food and hygiene items to combat the spread of COVID 19. The transfer is intended to be by cash or more likely by mobile money to 6,000 mother-child pairs using details already held by UNICEF and NaNA.

‘’The European Union stands in support of the Gambian people in efforts to combat the spread of COVID 19’’ says the European Union Ambassador to the Republic of The Gambia, Attila LAJOS.

BReST is a successful EU funded 3,000,000 EUR cash transfer nutrition social protection project targeting pregnant and lactating mothers with children under the age of 2 and has been under implementation since 2017.