We thank Allah Almighty for blessing us out of His immense grace and bounties, the opportunity to witness yet another blessed occasion of Eidul Adha. This period is that of great sacrifice as we celebrate the matchless sacrifice that Hazrat Ibrahim and his family undertook in the cause of Allah Almighty. Every year on the occasion of Eidul Adha, we remember, recite and ponder over this verse of the Holy Quran in which Allah Almighty says in verse 38 of Surah al-Hajj (Chapter 22 of the Holy Quran), the translation of which is: “Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him. Thus has He subjected them to you, that you may glorify Allah for His guiding you. And give glad tidings to those who do good.”
Whilst we remember and recite this verse, we should ponder over its deep meaning and try to obey and worship Allah Almighty accordingly. We buy cows, sheep, goats for sacrifice on this day and some of the prices of these sacrificial animals are very high. When we spend money on them, we should remember that it’s not about the amount we spend on these animals and their size, but what is important is the good intentions that we have.
As Muslims, righteousness and fear of Allah Almighty should be the core principles of our lives. That is what we should instill in ourselves, our children and our families at large. When we sit with our families on the days like Eid, we should remind them about the purpose of our creation which to worship Allah Almighty. We should encourage and make sure that our families are regular in offering the Salat (Five Daily prayers) in congregation, recite the Holy Quran and remembering the favours of Allah Almighty upon us and being always thankful and grateful to Him.
Obedience to Allah Almighty is the main reason for the celebration of Eidul Adha as we hear, read and learn the story of Hazrat Abraham, Hazrat Hajara and Hazrat Ishmael, we know the extent of sacrifice and obedience which they went to just to please their Lord and Creator Allah Almighty. When a father despite the great love and closeness to his son is ready to sacrifice him, one definitely knows such act is the highest state of sacrifice and obedience. So today we should not let the materials of the world make us forget about our duties and responsibilities we owe to Allah Almighty and his creation. We should not forget that as much as we love this world, should remember that a day will come when we will depart it and go the another world. Thus Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: O ye who believe! Fear Allah; and let every soul look to what it sends forth for thee morrow. And fear Allah; verily Allah is well – Aware of what you do. (Chap 59:19)
Hence we should always send something forth and as such days like Eid gives us the opportunity to share our happiness with our poor and needy neighbours and friends, we should always remember that it’s not only on such days that they need our help and support, but round the year we should be giving them help, support and assistance.
As we are all aware that in our own country this year, Eid will meet some families in despair and desperate need of support and assistance, due to the recent rain and windstorm that destroyed hundreds of homes, schools, hospitals etc. and displaced hundreds of families across the country and also caused some deaths on the night of Wednesday 7th July 2021. We should remember these families in our prayers and come to their aid. Be in as organizations and individually as well. We should make them feel happy on this day and support them on days to come as well.
The Ahamdiyya Muslim Jamaat deeply shares these loses especially human lives and wish to send our deepest condolences and sympathies to the bereaved families and solidarity with those whose properties were destroyed. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat will continue to work with the local, regional and national authorities to assist the victims and we are also appealing to individuals and organizations to come forth during these hard times to assist Gambians and non-Gambians who are affected. The Spiritual and Supreme Head of Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is very much sad and grieved of this national disaster and His Holiness is praying for the bereaved families, all victims and all Gambians and non-Gambians
At the end I am hereby extending to you the warmest salaam, love, prayers and EID MUBARAK of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(May Allah be his Helper), the Spiritual and Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. On behalf of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at the Gambia, I humbly wish you all EID MUBARAK, HAPPY TOBASKI.
May Allah Almighty accept all our humble devotions and sacrifices. May He continue protecting and blessing our beloved and dear motherland, the Gambia and her people and shower peace, security, prosperity and stability upon us all. Ameen.
Baba F Trawally
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