NAPF is a Civil Society Organisation made of thirty seven professionals from various walks of life. Its aim is to help in spiritual, social and economic empowerment of Mankind as envisioned by Mawlana Sheikh Ebrihim Nyass, (RTA), the Master of the Faydatu Tijania, whose followers are counted in their hundreds of millions throughout the five continents. NAPF members have found it necessary to come together and harness their intellectual and human capital with the view to initiate and establish sustainable projects and help in the building of institutions and communities through the promotion of responsible leadership and good governance.
The Family inner equilibrium, peace and security in the Gambia, require a holistic strategic approach. In effect, Family being the most basic social unit in Society, it goes without saying , that the welfare of Society depends tremendously to the welfare of the Family, and because the ideal Family ensures love, caring and a sense of belonging including natural open exchanges, making each member within feel recognized, valued and esteemed, the more the Family is healthy, the more the Human Being is balanced and healthy, the more the Human Being is balanced and healthy, the more predisposed he/she can be to offer love, respect, empathy, solidarity sincerity and generosity in his/her relationship with others. Therefore, treating Family inner equilibrium, will lead us to talk about Family welfare, Family welfare will tell us how we should be preventive enough to avoid violence at Family level, to conduct ourselves in a responsible and humanistic manner, with a strong respect of human values and dignity, away from domestic violence and the culture of silence. In the Gambia, 63% of respondents out of a study authored by Afro Barometer, consider it likely that a woman reports being victim of domestic violence will be criticised, harassed or shamed by others in the community, including 44% who say this is “very likely” only about 35% see it as “somewhat" or “very unlikely”. Women are somewhat more likely than men to think such a backlash (66% vs 61%). These perceptions make it quite impossible to expose domestic violence, hence the pressing need to advocate for the eradication of domestic violence, via the holding of an International Islamic Conference. That Conference is moreover
Needed, that the culture of silence is so meticulously observed when the domestic violence victim is a man.
In a study conducted in Basse in the Upper River Region, by Joseph W Jatta and AFr. J. Reprod health. 2022 Sep., most of the interviewees believed both men and women share the responsibility of domestic violence, which recommends the intensification of advocacy and awareness campaign that target women, men, children and even elderlies at Home and in Communities.
NAPF recourse to the methodology offered by the holding of the forthcoming International Islamic Conference (21st January 2024)to answer somehow to that concern expressed by the National and lnternational communities as well. That conference shall be animated by a brilliant Senegambian Son, Sheikh Mohammed Mahi Alieu Ceesay. Why Sheikh Mohamed Mahi Alieu Ceesay? Because he can talk to all generations, especially the Youth for if not well sensitized,
the youth might express a vulnerability that shall constitute a fertile ground for recruitment by extremists entities who have already established their uncalled for presence and operations in some countries in the Sahel. ln that, Sheikh Mahi Alieu Ceesay stands as a powerful actor who has proven himself to be the right stakeholder to be engaged for effective communication towards the youth and their parents, towards the community in general, to protect their rights and dignity, to be given the real position of lslam against violence in all its forms, talk less about domestic violence.
Sheikh Mahi Alieu Ceesay is an educator, someone very interested and committed to embark on research , he gives out intellectual, moral, spiritual and social instructions to his diverse audiences living all over the World. He helps them to acquire knowledge, competence and virtues via the practice and teachings of Islamic values. He is an lmam, a consummate spiritual guide whose lifestyle transparently reflects the life of Prophet Mohamed (SAWS).At the age of 12,he completed the memorisation of the Quran. He holds a bachelor degree in arts and Islamic literature from the renown Al-Azhar University. He is the Grandson of the Citizen of the Universe,Mawlana Sheikh Ebrihima Nyass (RA),the Master of the Fayda Tijania whose disciples are counted in their hundreds of millions throughout the five continents. Currently, Sheikh Mahi Ceesay is the Director of the African/American lnternational Islamic lnstitute, founded some decades ago by his illustrious late elder brother, Sheikh lmam Assan Alieu Ceesay.
This big event shall be witnessed by some high profile Personalities such some members of Government, National Assembly Members, Diplomatic Corps, CSOs, Human Rights Activists, the Business Community, Women and Youth entities, Persons living with handicaps, Gambian population and Delegates from the Sub region and the World at large.
It goes without saying, that Sheikh Mohamed Mahi Alieu Ceesay’s teachings will certainly impact positively those who will be privileged enough to attend that big event organised under the auspices of Nahnu Ansarullah Professional Foundation.