The theme for this year’s event is: “A Better future For Every Child,” giving children and young people the opportunity to raise their voices on the issues that matter to their generation and calling on adults to create a better future for them.
On World Children’s the Day, ChildFund joins partners to call on all to ensure that children are always safe. As campaign activities in preparation for the forthcoming presidential elections in The Gambia continue, we would like to remind all stakeholders that children are vulnerable and needed to be protected from all forms of harm. This we believe is for the interest of all of us as duty bearers, mothers, fathers, and caregivers.
The laws of the land state that whenever we are dealing with children, we must always look at the best interest of the child first. Therefore, we urge all to follow what the law dictates, and ensure that children are not used in election activities, be it in campaigns, victory celebrations or any other activity that might pose threat to their safety.
ChildFund would like to cease this opportunity to thank the government for enacting brilliant laws that protect children but will urge the state to ensure that these laws are implemented to the later for the benefit of our children. We also use this occasion to thank all our partners for their steadfastness in ensuring children live in safe environments and are provided with their needs.