After his return from the said occasions, Sheriff Muhammed Sanusi Nano Hydara expressed gratitude to the Majlis sects for organizing the annual Gamos and Ziyarehs in memory of their forefathers, and for also praying for themselves and the country in general.
He commended organizers for following the foot-steps of their forefathers adding that Gamos and Ziyarehs are held annually within Muslim communities in order to observe prayers for their late parents, themselves and the country for Allah’s abundant blessings.
“I am overwhelmed with the welcome accorded to me and my delegation by the Majlis Sects of Sutukoba, Jarra Sutukung, No Kunda and Conteh Kunda,” he explained.
As a leader of a Muslim organization, I will always encourage oneness among Muslim communities in The Gambia. He also appealed to the Muslim Ummah in the country not to throw away the teachings of Prophet Muhammed (SAW).