#National News

Beakanyang trains Badinbung facilitators

Sep 20, 2024, 11:05 AM

Beakanyang, a human rights organisation with funding from the African Transitional Justice Legacy Fund, which is being supported by the AU and the European Union (EU), recently wrapped up a five-day pre-bantaba orientation workshop for its Badinbung facilitators.

The forum was held at the Sama Kairo Federation Conference Hall in Brikama, West Coast Region, from the 5th to 7th September 2024.

Badinbung project seeks to use the African traditional justice mechanism to promote justice, reconciliation and also raise awareness about AU Transitional Justice Policy in The Gambia.

The event, which attracted 25 participants from the project intervention communities include Jambur, Bafuloto, Sintet, Barra and Essau.

Speaking at the convergence, Nfamara Jawneh, the Executive Director of Beakanyang, said: “The Badinbung has been piloted by his organization in 2019 in the Upper River Region, where it registered great successes.”

Jawneh urged the participants to deliberate well during the training, adding: “During the forum, you will learn about the Badingbung and it approaches, Human Rights, African Union Transitional Justice Policy, 2023 Reparation Act, Peace-building, Reconciliation, the Government White Paper and TRRC Recommendations (Witch-Hunt Exercise).” he said.

Mr. Siyat Gaye, Vice Chairperson of the Beakanyang Board of Directors, urged participants to take the ‘Banding initiative’ seriously.’

He reaffirmed Beakanyang’s commitment in promoting justice, peace and reconciliation through its transitional justice programmes.

Modou Lamin Tamba, who deputised for the district Chief of Foni Jarrol, commended Beakanyang for bringing back an important old time Gambian system of peace-building and reconciliation methods.

“I would like to assure you on behalf of the chief of our full support to ensure the success of Badinbung not only in Foni Jarrol, but the entire West Coast Region and beyond.” he pledged.

Mrs. Adama Bojang, a participant form Jambur and a victim of human rights violation, thanked the human rights organisation for the laudable initiative and urged all appointed facilitators to support it.

At the end of the training, Imam Omar Bojang of Jambur was elected as the leader of the North Bank and West Coast Regions Badinbung under the auspices of Beakanyang.

Bojang is assisted by Alfu Tamba of Sintet, while Mbye Jassey of Bafulo was elected as the secretary.

Imam Bojang thanked ATJLF, the AU and the EU for supporting Beakanyang in implementing this important Badinbung project.