#National News

89 Women miners receive free eye screening from Gui mam eye care

Dec 10, 2020, 12:22 PM | Article By: Sanna Jallow

Gui mam EyecareAssociation in partnership with The Gambia Women Miners Association recently offered free eye screening services to the women miners of Bafuloto.

Ababa Hydara, chief executive officer (CEO) of Sheikh Zayed Regional Eye care Center funded the exercise.

Yankuba Bojang, secretary of The Gambia Women Miners said they formed theassociation to address some of the challenges facing the mining industry.

"Mining can cause a lot of damage in our health especially the dust which causes eye problem and the lungs during breathing. That's why the Gui mam came to assist the miners as it is clear that the job they are doing can affect our eyes."

The objectives of the association, he added, is to give every woman or man who is working at the mining sector to have good sight,with a particular focus on primary health care.

Fatimah Sosseh-Jallow, president of The Gambia Women in Mining said the association was formed to empower women in the mining sector by giving them equipment to better their work.

She indicated that the association was recently established and very much determined to address some of the challenges facing women miners in the country.

"We need funding to be able to overcome some of our challenges by building infrastructure and material we require in the mining sector". 

Yamundow Ceesay, a miner said mining is a difficult undertaking, as they dig for themselves whichshe said, is the hardest thing to do.

She lamented that the money the buyers offer them is very small compared to the work they do.

“We have no choice but to accept that small amount from buyers. It’s herewe earn our living and to be able to support our families too.”

She thus appealed to the government to support them with digging materials and other necessary items to make their work easy for them.

Surkaru Badjie, public relations officer of Gui mam Eye care Association said the exercise is part of activities marking theirone-year celebration, adding that as an association, they decided to offer free medical eye screening to the women miners in Bafuloto.