
Woman sentenced for assault

Oct 8, 2024, 9:29 AM | Article By: Dawda Faye

Mimi Edah, who was arraigned recently before Magistrate Touray of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court and charged with assault, causing actual bodily harm, was yesterday convicted and sentenced to a mandatory term of three months imprisonment.

She was also ordered to pay a compensation of D5,000 to the complainant in default to serve another three months in prison. According to the presiding magistrate, both sentences would run consecutively. He further stated that the offence with which the convict was charged attracts 5 years imprisonment by virtue of Section 228 of the Criminal Code.  The convict pleaded guilty when the charge sheet was read to her.

In her mitigation, the convict begged the court for forgiveness, as she was weeping in the dock. Some of her relatives were also weeping out of the courtroom.

Before she was sentenced, the complainant rose and told the court that she had forgiven her wholeheartedly, and that the convict is her friend.

Prosecutor Inna Jallow stood up and told the court that she was applying under Section 145 of the Criminal Procedure Code for the convict to compensate the complainant for her injuries.