PW6 Landing Jallow further revealed recovering a ladies bag confirmed to belong to the victim, Fatoumatta Kargbo.
Asked by State counsel A Gibba how he the witness concluded that the bags belonged to the accused and the victim, he responded that, when he visited the accused at Ndeban Clinic, who was later discharged and taken to the Police station, he confirmed to them that the bag with the two spanners belonged to him.
He further stated that the other bag, which was brown and contained women's stuff, was confirmed by the owner of the bureau to be the bag of the deceased.
The police witness said that after they had recovered the bags, they took them to the police station.
The bags were brought to court and State counsel A. Gibba applied to tender them in evidence accordingly.
The defence team did not object to the tendering of the items and the prosecution applied for the exhibit (the deceased’s bag) to be given back to the family while the contents inside the bags were photographed.