During their one-hour-long meeting, Ambassador Cromer and H.E. Darboe reviewed the economic, financial, political and social situations of The Gambia.
The very cordial meeting allowed the two parties to extensively exchange points of view and information on all the above-mentioned areas.
H.E. Ambassador Cromer highlighted the key areas of US assistance to the country and announced the upcoming additional assistance in several other sectors of the country's economy.
The two parties agreed on the need to strengthen in The Gambia democratic institutions and culture, the rule of law, respect for human rights, freedom of speech and expression. Likewise, they agreed on the urgency to tackle corruption head on and to table the draft constitution for adoption by the National Assembly and subsequent referendum.
Finally, H.E. Cromer and H.E. Darboe agreed to meet frequently to exchange ideas on relevant issues of common concern. Before concluding their meeting, the two personalities assured each other of their availability to also meet as and when necessary.