
UDP remembers April 10th & 11th, shows solidarity

Apr 12, 2021, 11:27 AM

“On this day in April 2000, a peaceful students’ demonstration was turned into a massacre scene when the Gambia Armed forces fired at the assembled, unarmed, and defenceless school children killing some and maiming some for life.  Two days that has lived in infamy in the history of our nation. It is time to give the young people justice and bring the perpetrators to book.

21 years on, the victims of this horrific tragedy are still looking for justice and on behalf of the United Democratic Party I empathise with all the victims of the April 10th & 11th 2000 and I call on all Gambians to intensify the fight to end impunity in our nation.

On behalf of the UDP I call on the Gambia Government to do everything possible to assist in the full rehabilitation of the surviving victims so that they can spend the rest of their lives in dignity and comfort and to prioritise bringing Jammeh to justice.

The UDP renews its call for a declaration of a National Martyrs’ Day to honour the memories of all those who have died fighting for and defending democracy in our homeland during the dictatorship.

And I call on the young People of the Gambia to continue to strive for freedom and justice in our homeland.”