The Resolution notes that Senegal has been one of the most stable democracies in Africa, never suffering a military coup d’e´tat, and having peaceful, democratic transfers of power in 2000 and 2012.
The U.S. Senate Resolution also hailed Senegal as a “regional leader and advocate for democracy in West Africa, having made important contributions to a democratic transition in The Gambia and pressing military juntas in Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger to restore democracy and yield power to civilian elected authorities.”
“Senegal is one of the United States’ closest partners in Africa,” the U.S. Senate stated.
The Senate Resolution also revealed that it had allocated US$144,000,000 in bilateral assistance to Senegal in fiscal year 2022 focused primarily on health, agriculture, basic education, and good governance.
“Whereas Senegal completed a $540,000,000 United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact in 2015 focused on increasing agricultural productivity and is now implementing a second, five-year $550,000,000.”
“MCC compact focused on increasing access to electricity and has pledged $50,000,000 of its own resources toward this project.”
The Resolution also stated that the Senegalese security forces have long benefitted from United States security assistance and cooperation designed to increase professionalism, support United Nations peacekeeping deployments, and enhance Senegal’s ability to conduct maritime security, counter violent extremism, and combat narcotics trafficking.