
Set Settal commences Saturday with no restrictions

Jan 26, 2023, 12:25 PM


With the approval of His Excellency President Adama Barrow, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources (MECCNAR) and the National Environment Agency (NEA) invite the public to the maiden edition of the reintroduced monthly National Cleansing Day (NCD) exercise on Saturday, 28January 2023 from 09.00 am – 13.00 pm GMT.

While participation is voluntary, citizens and residents of The Gambia are encouraged to join cleaning exercises in their respective neighbourhoods and public spaces. All collected wastes should be loaded into the trucks for quick and timely evacuation to the dump sites.

Specifically, Cabinet Ministers, National Assembly Members (NAMs), Mayors, Governors, The Gambia Police Force (GPF), The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), Seyfolu, Alkalolu, Ward Councillors, the Business Community, The Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), The Gambia Transport Union, youth groups, schools, women organizations and other voluntary associations are kindly requested to organize clean-up exercises within their respective communities. This communal cleansing exercise should be repeated monthly as a clean nation is a healthy and wealthy one.

Vehicular movement will not be restricted and shops would remain open. However, The Gambia Government encourages business owners to clean the front spaces and access routes to their shops for enhanced environmental hygiene.

Motorists, passengers and pedestrians are advised to desist from disposing waste on the roadsides and other public places during and after the environmental clean-ups. Inspectors from the NEA, The Gambia Police Force and other stakeholders would be deployed nationwide and those found wanting would be prosecuted accordingly.


Ministry of Environment